Teachers - ChildPilot Software
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Love Is In The Air! Fun Valentine’s Day Activities For Your Students

Love Is In The Air! Fun Valentine’s Day Activities For Your Students

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you can get your students into the holiday spirit by doing some fun arts and crafts or having them create some tasty treats they can give their friends as a Valentine. These activities don’t need to be extravagant or expensive. We’ve provided a few ideas of some fun activities for students of different ages to enjoy, as well as all the materials you’ll need!

Why Has Everyone Gone Digital?

Why Has Everyone Gone Digital?

As we continue to adapt to new trends and popular demand from the past pandemic and people trying to become more environmentally conscious, it's not hard to see why going digital has become so popular. However, going digital still scares many childcare providers who are hesitant to switch to online platforms, and we get it; change can be scary but is sometimes necessary.



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